*NOTE: Image is used for representative purposes only & may not reflect the exact product configurations.
The part number & product specifications reflect the exact product configurations.

*NOTE: Image is used for representative purposes only & may not reflect exact configurations.

Auburn F-68 Feedthrough Insulator

Manufacturer: Auburn

Part Number: F68



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Availability In Stock
Manufacturer Auburn
SKU 251580
Part Number F68
Product Name Auburn F-68 Feedthrough Insulator
Process Connection Size 1/2" NPT - 14

Auburn SKU CS12974 or 12974, part number F-68 is for use with your combustion system. Feedthrough is used to transmit current into a sealed vessel, and sight glass allow operators to confirm ignition and flame propagation.

Auburn Feedthroughs are used in a wide variety of industrial applications, power transformers, switchgear, hermetically sealed compressors and motors. Pressure Rating: Auburn electric feedthroughs are rated for pneumatic applications to 2500 psi at the temperature outlined for each specific product. Maximum Operating Temperatures: No portion of the feedthrough may exceed the indicated temperature, regardless of the heat source. Higher temperatures may be permitted with application restrictions. Installation Note: The use of two wrenches is recommended when connecting to our feedthroughs. Each has two brass nuts which should be tightened against each other. This eliminates possible damage to the seal.

For an effective burner management system and understanding how this combustion element works with your gas burner, call a Relevant representative today.