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*NOTE: Image is used for representative purposes only & may not reflect exact configurations.

Honeywell RM7890A1056 Burner Control VPS

Manufacturer: Honeywell HTS

Part Number: RM7890A1056/U



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Manufacturer Honeywell HTS
SKU 28925
Part Number RM7890A1056/U
Product Name Honeywell RM7890A1056 Burner Control VPS
Approvals UL, FM, CSA
Process Temp Limits -40 to 140 F

The Honeywell RM7890A1056/U is a microprocessor-based integrated on/off primary burner control for automatically fired gas, oil or combination fuel single burner applications. Includes programmable VPS (Valve Proving Switch) check feature and blinking LED fault annunciation. 4 or 10 second pilot flame establishing period, intermittent main flame establishing period, intermittent pilot type. Requires S7800A1142 Display to program VPS feature.

The EC/RM7890 system consists of the Relay Module, Subbase and Amplifier. Options include Keyboard Display Module (KDM), Modbus module, Data ControlBus Module, and Remote Display Module. Mounting: Q7800A for panel mount. Q7800B for wall or burner mount. Details on all functions provided, review the technical document or contact us for your application assistance.