*NOTE: Image is used for representative purposes only & may not reflect the exact product configurations.
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*NOTE: Image is used for representative purposes only & may not reflect exact configurations.

Jomar 210-994-C Locking Device

Manufacturer: Jomar

Part Number: 210-994-C



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Manufacturer Jomar
SKU 347983
Part Number 210-994-C
Product Name Jomar 210-994-C Locking Device
Jomar 210-994-C connection sizes 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" is a Spring-Loaded Tamper-Proof Locking Device. The Jomar locking device prevents unauthorized use during maintenance or down-time. The locking device is attached over the stem and handle and held in place with an allen screw that is threaded into the center of the stem. With the padlock in place, the allen screw is not accessible, making it a tamper proof design. Will fit any T-100, S-100 or JP-100 series ball valve.