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Alpha Measurement ANDalyze Cadmium Sensor (Yellow)

Manufacturer: Alpha Measurement Solutions

Part Number: 33AND017



More Information
Manufacturer Alpha Measurement Solutions
SKU SR-0293
Product Name Alpha Measurement ANDalyze Cadmium Sensor (Yellow)
Part Number 33AND017
Measurement Range 0.1-2ppm Copper
Display N/A
ANDalyze, an Alpha Measurement Solutions brand, developed proprietary catalytic DNA sensors for heavy metal detection. These DNA sensors will generate the fluorescence through the DNAzyme reaction in the presence of the target heavy metal. The fluorescence will be measured by the specially designed ANDalyze fluorometer and the concentration of the target heavy metal will be reported in trace levels. Comparing with mainstream technologies, DNA sensing allows on-site measurement to reduce time, cost, and effort. This technique can deliver US EPA validated testing capabilities to low ppb levels within regulatory limits. This Copper sensor has a measurement range of 0.1-2ppm with an accuracy greater of 15% or 0.05ppm.